钢铁雄心3秘籍 钢铁雄心3国家代码 钢铁雄心3秘籍大全 热门手游攻略游戏秘籍技巧
钢铁雄心3秘籍 钢铁雄心3国家代码 钢铁雄心3秘籍大全。《钢铁雄心3》中的秘籍是比较多的,比较常用的有energy = 1000 energy,可以增加1000点电力,fuel = 1000 fuel,增加1000点燃料,money = $1000,增加1000金钱,supplies = 1000 supplies,增加1000补给,更多如下。
进入游戏,按键“~” 进入控制台输入以下
energy = 1000 energy 电力+1000
fuel = 1000 fuel 燃料+1000
money = $1000 金钱+1000
supplies = 1000 supplies 补给+1000
metal = 1000 metal 钢铁+1000
rarematerials = 1000 rare materials 稀有金属+1000
crudeoil = 1000 oil 原油+1000
instantresearch 加速研究
instantproduction 加速军队生产
instantconstruction 加速基础建设
nukes 增加核 武 器
如下: Not affecting AI 不影响AI的
Supplies - 1000 Supplies 补给
Money - Gives 1000 cash 金钱
crudeoil - Gives 1000 Oil (its easier just get fuel) 原油
fuel - 1000 Fuel 燃油
rarematerials - 1000 Rare materials 希金
Metal - 1000 Metal 金属
Energy - 1000 energy 能源
addofficers - More officers - 1% per typing the code 1次+1%军官
noneutrality - 0 neutrality 中立为0(可以随便宣战了)
debug fow - remove/add fog 解除或增加战争迷雾
event + #event code# - activates event 处发事件
debug spy - superior espionage turned on/off 间谍活动的acceptall
debug yesmen - AI now always responds favorably/normally 就是acceptall
revolt + provid - Adds revolt to specified province, repeat to add more rebels. 指定省份暴乱,重复+更多暴民。
Affecting also AI 也影响AI的
They need 1 day game time to take effect 以下的1天完成
instantresearch - Instant research
instantbuild - 1 day build time on buildings
instantproduction - 1 day unit production + buildings
instantconstruction - 1 day unit production + buildings
Last two seem to have the same effect. They build only one type of each building in each province, wont complete your full que. 最后2似乎效果一样